Share meal Salad

Carrot dip キャロットディップ✴ 50g
Roast beef 厚切りローストビーフ✴ 120g
Romaine lettuceロメインレタス 80g
Broccoli ブロッコリー (茹で上がり)80g
Kale salad ケールサラダ✴ 60g
Mushroom salad マッシュルームサラダ✴ 30g
Cucumber Picklesきゅうりのピクルス✴ 80g
Red cabbage sliced 赤キャベツの千切り 40g
Walnuts くるみ 30g
Carrot Dip for 10 キャロットディップ:(約10皿分)
•Babby carrots ベビー人参千切り 150g•Salt 塩 3g
•Cream cheese クリームチーズ150g
•Greek yoghurt ギリシャヨーグルト 150g
•Ginger julienne生姜 15g 千切り
•Sugar 砂糖 5g
•White wine vinegar 白ワインビネガー 10cc
•Curry powder カレー粉 1g
•Walnuts くるみ 50g
•Cummin クミン 2g
Roast beef 厚切りローストビーフ: (約10皿分)
•US Beef Loin USビーフローイン 2kg以上•Beef weight x 1% salt 肉の重量に対して1%の塩
•Garlic, pepper, thyme, rosemary にんにく、胡椒、タイム、ローズマリー
•Butter バター 30g−40g
•Garlic clove crushed にんにく(クラッシュ)1
Kale salad ケールサラダ:(約10皿分)
•Kale julienne ケール千切り 500g•Lemon juice レモン汁 50cc
•CA olive oil CAオリーブオイル 100cc
•Raisin レーズン 100g
Mushroom Salad マッシュルームサラダ:
•Mushroom sliced マッシュルーム 千切り 300g•Grated Parmesan cheese パルメザンチーズ削り 150cc
•Black and Pepper 塩コショウ 適量
Cucumber pickles きゅうりのピクルス:(約10皿分)
•Cucumber きゅうり 5本 乱切り•White wine vinegar 白ワインビネガー 150cc
•Salot 塩 10g
•Sugar 砂糖 60g
•Water 水 100cc
•Dy Red chili 乾燥赤唐辛子 1
1.Carrot Dip:
Season carrot with salt and toss with hand. Let rest 10 mins and remove excess water and put in foodprocessor to pure.
2.Roast Beef:
Marinate beef with spice and wrap with plastic wrap followed by alumium foil and zip lock. Let rest over night.
Place meat in big pot and pour water to cover and cook on low simmer till meat reaches 130℃.
Let rest till meat is cool to touch.
In a saute pan, melt butter and cook meat on all sides till golden brown.
3. Kale Salad:
In a bowl combine lemon juice, zest, salt and raisin and toss Kale.
4. Mushroom Salad:
Combine everything in a bowl.
5.Cumcumber pickles:
In a pot combine all ingredients except for cucumber and simmer for 1 min. Add in cucumber and pickle for 3 hours.
5.On serving platter plate carrot dip in the bottom and garnish with salad and meats made above. Garnish with walnuts.
1.Carrot Dip:
Season carrot with salt and toss with hand. Let rest 10 mins and remove excess water and put in foodprocessor to pure.
2.Roast Beef:
Marinate beef with spice and wrap with plastic wrap followed by alumium foil and zip lock. Let rest over night.
Place meat in big pot and pour water to cover and cook on low simmer till meat reaches 130℃.
Let rest till meat is cool to touch.
In a saute pan, melt butter and cook meat on all sides till golden brown.
3. Kale Salad:
In a bowl combine lemon juice, zest, salt and raisin and toss Kale.
4. Mushroom Salad:
Combine everything in a bowl.
5.Cumcumber pickles:
In a pot combine all ingredients except for cucumber and simmer for 1 min. Add in cucumber and pickle for 3 hours.
5.On serving platter plate carrot dip in the bottom and garnish with salad and meats made above. Garnish with walnuts.